Monday, July 16, 2018

gift bag cake

This cake was for a lovely lady who likes shopping; she calls it "retail therapy". This ironic and facetious definition of shopping was coined in the 80s stipulating that shopping improves the buyer's mood or disposition.  She says "sometimes it’s crazy at home, and so I go to the mall for some me time". Be it window shopping, online scrolling, or pawing through racks at outlet malls, shopping really can be a mental refresher — like a blip of a vacation without any packing or planning.  Shopping can also be a rich source of mental preparation during a change in life like marriage, having a baby and even shopping for back to school supplies--- all preparing for the time to come.

We all enjoy a little retail therapy now and then. In small, manageable doses, it can soothe the soul. Shopping isn’t a problem when it’s done in moderation. As long as it does not get out of hand, lets meet at the Mall!. 

This gift bag cake was a delightful carrot nut cake with cream cheese filling.  Yum!

 “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”