Friday, December 3, 2021

The Owl House cake

The Owl House is an American animated fantasy television series on Disney Channel. The fantasy structure and details were fun to make. What a cute house! It is home of some interesting characters in the show. 

Places of residence is not necessarily a home; the home is a physical space as well as an emotional and psychological relationship, where memory, comfort, activity and familiarity are some many important factors in the construction of home. Home will always be the place for which we feel the deepest comfort and affection. I love traveling, but I always enjoy coming home to the familiar feel, comfort, smell of my home. I always look forward to just let myself fall into my own bed. Then the time to reflect and collect my thoughts about the time away from home. 

It was a yellow cake with strawberry filling.

Home is where the heart is. Pliny the Elder


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