Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nail Polish cake

Getting our nails done has become quite popular ritual in today’s society, especially before big events, or during summer when we all want our nails to shine.

The first nail salon dedicated to nail care was opened in 1878 in New York City. Founder Mary Cobb learned about nails in France, and then brought the concept to NY.  The idea soon caught on with big companies such as Cutex and Revlon in the early 1900s. Cutex launched its first nail product in 1911 with a product to soften the cuticles around the nail. They also created liquid nail polish in 1925 and for a while nail polish was referred as “Cutex”.

Revlon began by inventing nail polish that was made using pigments instead of dyes in 1920. By 1932 nail polishes were sold in drugstores and department stores, making it available to the masses.

Acrylic nails appeared In 1957; a dentist named Frederick Slack broke his nail at work. He ended up patching it up with aluminum foil and dental acrylic. The look of the nail was so good that he collaborated with his brother to create and then patent the acrylic nail.

Today nails are a multi-billion dollar industry and still growing thanks to social media.  Nail art of today is more than just part of grooming but has been exhibited in Museums; It is creative, glamorous, and even over the top and sometimes downright scandalous.  Our nails are a vehicle to express who we are or who we want to be.

This cake is ode to our expression of self. The bottle was a carrot cake with cream cheese filling and the lid was an almond cake.  This cake shows breathable, halal nail polish. Halal certification has become an important element in the Islamic communities of the world.  Breathable nail polish allows water to penetrate. 


A woman is helpless only while her nail polish is drying.


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