Friday, July 13, 2012

Violin Cake

Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin…….John Lubbock

I strongly believe that happiness comes from within and it’s all about the attitude.  Our reaction to the good and bad situations around us--- is a choice. We can choose to be angry or we can just proceed to remedy the situation and move on….nothing in the event itself makes it absolutely necessary for us to get angry or resentful. It is our choice. And since we do have a choice,  isent it better to choose to react in a positive rather than a negative way?

This is a yellow sponge cake with raspberry filling. I covered it with fondant and then spray painted to give it the woody look. This cake plays delicious tunes for the taste buds.


  1. My taste-buds are having a musical moment.........
    Moment over! Music is the FOOD of love. Serve it up!!

  2. Amazing -- how can people eat such art

  3. I'd rather look at it and enjoy the music!

  4. Beautifully said

  5. The shine and shading on this cake was even more wood-like and realistic in person(and tasted awesome too!)

  6. Thats right, I forgot- Ahmad tasted this.
    Thanks for the feedback.

  7. If I were a musician, I would love to have this cake for my birthday...It is so lovely and perfect!!!
