Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Masjid cake

This masjid (mosque) cake was for a child fasting for the first time in the holy month of Ramadan. It was fun to construct the structure.  It was a plain yellow cake with buttercream icing.  I just hope it is not sacrilege to cut (and eat) an edible illustration of a religious place of worship. 

Honorable mention of my 7 year old great niece, Hana,  who was eager to help with decorating the cake.   She wanted to “help” with everything, even complicated tasks that her little hands could not handle; I felt bad about saying no to her so many times.  The poor kid scrubbed her hands 4 times just so I would include her, so I gave her the task of making the bushes. Good job Hana!  She loved the consistency of the fondant so I gave her some to play with.  “It’s better than playdough” she said carefully wrapping it in plastic to avoid drying.  


  1. Wonderful creation!!! Can't wait to see what else is waiting unseen under your chef's hat!!

  2. And dont worry.....I don't think anyone will mind a dome or two being nibbled......Think of it as sharing the message [and the recipe] with each slice shared and eaten......

  3. MashaAllah, very creative. I am it made that child's Roza Kushai very special.
