Monday, April 1, 2024

Candy cascade cake


Have a Cuppa Candy

Americans are known for their food indulgence and obesity, however, it turns out that less than 2 percent of all calories in the American diet come from candy.  So candy is not the culprit for obesity but tooth decay is definitely caused by sweets.   Sugar in candy interacts with specific bacteria in mouth, producing enamel-demineralizing acids. These acids strip essential minerals from tooth enamel. Once the enamel is weakened, teeth are much susceptible to cavities, followed by pain, sensitivity, tooth decay, and eventually tooth loss if left untreated. Nevertheless, candy remains a universal symbol of sweetness and joy. 

Did you know that M&Ms were originally created for soldiers in World War II? The hard candy shell was designed to prevent the chocolate inside from melting in high temperatures. This made them an ideal snack for soldiers on the battlefield.

This was an almond cake with marzipan filling. A cascade of M&Ms into a cup of caramel. Enjoy!

"Getting a sugar rush, one candy at a time."

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