Monday, October 31, 2016

Spider cake

Wont you come into my parlor- said the spider to the fly------------

Why are people afraid of spiders? They even have a name for it “Arachnophobia”. Arachnophobia is one of the top ten phobias experienced around the world, with millions of sufferers across the globe.
So what makes spiders so terrifying? Maybe it is the threat of being bitten? Or is it the seemingly erratic movements of spiders, and their “legginess”?. Scientists who have studied this fear of spiders explain it to be a result of evolutionary selection. So Arachnophobia is an evolutionary response, since spiders, especially the venomous ones, have always been associated with infections and disease. Hence, the fear of spiders triggers a “disgust response” in many individuals. I am not sure I buy that. Personally I am not bothered by the sight of spiders. Maybe because I have never been bitten by one or felt one crawling up my arm.

Spider webs are so beautiful and amazing.  I remember tossing paper pellets on to spider webs and watching the spiders scurry towards their catch. After a few unpalatable paper pellets they did not hurry to check any more. Although walking into a spiderweb has made me act like a  karate master I like these beautiful creatures. 

This spider with a Cheshire cat grin, is an almond cake with almond buttercream filling. Enjoy an arachnid slice. 


  1. cutest spider ever, wouldn't mind gobbling him up!
    happy Halloween!

  2. Neelam, this spider definitely evokes my arachnophobia with it s very realistic "legginess". HOW DO YOU make the legs soo real.

    The "cheshire grin" was a grreat idea in making it look friendly though.
    And ESPECIALLY the almond cake and filling (given how crazy I am about marzipan) DEFINTELY has me drooling!

    BTW, not sure if you know that spider threads have been shown to be the strongest -- and scientists have now synthesized them in a very Spiderman kind of way
    FLOORED by your talents again! XOXOX

    1. Thankfor you very kind remarks, as always, Farida,
      The legs were made of fondant and unfortunately broke enroute. I fixed them the best I could- It looked almost like a squished spider.

  3. Just fabulous!! I also love spiders and nothing gives me more pleasure than watching them in their webs, or just hanging about....For anyone who hates them because of their hairy legs,....all eight of them.....that hair has a special quality meant for making the webs and they make them as beautiful as they do because there are so many legs.....So if you love the sight of cobwebs gleaming with dewdrops in the early morning sunlight, then you cant hate the creators of the webs......
